(104 reviews)

4 Pack MTF System - Estro Boost, Testo Blocker, Dangerous Curves & V-351


4 Pack - Advanced MTF Transition System - Estrogen Booster, Testosterone Blocker , Dangerous Curves & V~351 


The most effective, non-prescription MTF transition system on the market. Each purchase of our best selling kit contains 1 safety sealed bottle of each - Estrogen Booster, Testosterone Blocker, Dangerous Curves & V~351 at a special reduced price.


The cutting edge, revolutionary transitioning kit that EVERYONE IS TALKING ABOUT!!! The most effective all-natural, organic MTF (Male to Female) transitioning kit on the market!!!

Our '4 Pack MTF Transitioning system' contains 1 bottle of each - Estrogen Booster, Testosterone Blocker, Dangerous Curves & our newest product V-351 (50 capsules per safety sealed container).


Transformations Labs - here to help you find your way!




These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Posted May 13th 2024 by Happy happy

This stuff reeaaly works give it some time it doesn't work overnight I've been on it for a year maybe a little more and I've grown a full cup size and feel like it's still coming on plus the little fellows down yonder are drastically going away ???

MtF 4 pack
Posted Jan 14th 2024 by joe

I am well pleased with the product !!!

This stuff is working.
Posted Jan 13th 2024 by Megan Foxx (Chosen name)

As I said above, this formula seems to be working, but breasts are starting to appear on month #2 of buying this product, I've heard and read a lot of nay saying about this product, saying you can't do herbal transition, because Phytoestrogen is not real estrogen, but based on my personal experience with this product, I say that it's working fine, my breasts are growing, and my skin is so much softer, and smoother. My facial and body hair are still growing, but it does so much slower, much finer and softer than it used to. the only complaint that I have about herbal transitioning with any product is that it works, but works slowly, and requires patience, and determination. but anyone who gives Transformation Labs MTF hormone pack a decent chance for a few months will see results. granted the prescription hormones will be faster, but for those who don't have access to the prescription grade stuff, due to medical bureaucracy, can use this to get started as a stepping stone, while you wait to get the prescription medical grade HRT. this is meant for long term, but for some trans women like myself, this is a good place to start. and yes the price is a bit high compared to the medical grade HRT, but it's more easily acquired.

Loving it
Posted Oct 31st 2023 by D

Great product! Love the results I'm getting, plumper breast, less hair growth on my body, and less morning wood. Thank y'all please keep up the great work

MTF 4 pack
Posted Jul 29th 2023 by Glenn Reuter

So far it is working without any problems thank you.

Male to Female 4 pack
Posted Jul 23rd 2023 by Charlotte Katholi

I want quick results and I get them by taking each of the 4 pills 3 times a day. My guess is it works faster for some than for others, but I must state for the record that in a very short time my breasts, hips and booty are all way bigger, fuller and more feminine than when I started and that the changes were so subtle at first but now they are popping and I am getting to a place where I can really see an all around difference. This is an amazing product and I am seriously considering buying the 48 pack.

Posted Mar 5th 2023 by Callie Murphoette

This has been my 3rd time with Transformations Labs. The first 2 times, I got lazy (honestly) and stopped buying my pills after a few months and quickly lost all my gains and slipped back into a bad emotional place. This time (THANKFULLY) I have purchased 3 - 4 packs at the same time and stuck to it EVERY SINGLE DAY (I set Alexa and my phone to remind me of dosag times)! It really has worked SO MUCH BETTER!!! They were very effective the first 2 times I used them BUT now that I take my pills daily, without failure, it's amazing the changes I have gone through! Simply AMAZING!!! The lesson here is to NOT GIVE UP!!! DON'T GET LAZY!!! Take your pills every day, don't skip days, and ALWAYS HAVE A SUPPLY ON HAND!!! I am going to buy the 48-bottle kit RIGHT NOW, so I always have plenty, I never have to order at the last minute, won't be delayed in the mail, won't have to worry about not having money (I am going to put it on my credit card and pay it down every month with the money I am saving from making this big purchase) and the peace of mind of having what I need in my dorm apartment is PRICELESS. In short, thank you Transformations Labs, and thank you Chrissy for always being there and helping me when I needed advice, faster shipping, and sometimes just a shoulder to lean on. THIS IS THE BEST COMPANY I HAVE EVER BOUGHT ANYTHING FROM IN MY LIFE. I love you all at Transformations Labs, thank you for my new life!

Aaaamazing results.
Posted Feb 20th 2023 by Jessica

I just want to say that transformation labs is an amazing product. I am really impressed with your products. In two months my breasts began budding, my skin is smoother and my hips are thicker than ever. Sex drive is way up, sex is so much better and I fill out my nighties better than ever before. So amazing thank you for an amazing product. I will be getting me the year supply of your feminization 4 part pills on next order, the savings you have explained to me is just too good to pass up. Thank god for daddy's credit card!

4 pack
Posted Jan 5th 2023 by niccole

Awesome !!! It has only been a few months my breasts are 38d now my waist 33 and my hips are 41 I have also noticed that i get very few if any erections and my appendix is getting smaller and smaller , i will start to order the serum later this month to use in combination with capsules .I can only imagine what the results will be after 6months then 1 year ,CAN'T wait !! Thank you Transformation Labs !! niccole

Mtf 4 pack skeptic (update) I have taken this product for an entire year
Posted Jan 3rd 2023 by Timothy aka Teresa

I have taken this product for an entire year mind you the results were very slow but steady. If you're looking for a gradual transition this is definitely the product for you unfortunately at this time due to financial restraints I can no longer keep taking this product . But I would definitely recommend it to anyone trying to do this the natural way without harsh medications it does work. Good luck to all I hope you find your way.

Mtf 4 pack skeptic
Posted Sep 20th 2022 by Timothy Hickman aka Teresa

Started taking the 4 pack about 9 months ago. It's the beginning I took one pill of each per day and then gradually increased it till I was taking the maximum dose of each pill. That's 14 pills A-day and I started noticing some results at about 6 months. I have now noticed that my skin has gotten softer my breasts are starting to grow and my buttocks and hips are starting to fill in nicely. We'll definitely keep using this product it seems to be working very well.

It's Working!
Posted Sep 13th 2022 by Kendall

Completed 3 rounds of the 3 pack and 1 round of the 4 pack. Just ordered my 2nd 4 pack. Love the results so far. I think that I will achieve my goal of looking feminine and more passable (especially in the face) in a few more months. My body was already somewhat feminized from using other products off and on throughout the last 5-6 years but this stuff has really put my transition into overdrive!

This is the real thing.
Posted Sep 8th 2022 by Tilia

I have used other products over the years with little to no results. I became a client of Transformations Labs about 12 months ago and the results over the past year have been absolutely breathtaking. I am so happy that I began this route and NOT the doctor-recommended route. Many people I know have had major issues with pharmaceutical drugs and man-made chemicals. Issues from depression, to loss of sexual appetite to death. I am and always will be on my own path along with Transformations Labs! The best product on the market! I am very happy!

Four Pack Results
Posted Aug 2nd 2022 by diane

I have been using the 4 pack for over a year. My breast have grown to pretty much filling up my B cup bras. My body hair has been growing slower and don't have to wax as often. Love the product.

Posted Jul 12th 2022 by Marcia Jesus

Me encanta mi nuevo cuerpo, tetas y vida. ¡gracias!

The bomb.
Posted Jun 6th 2022 by Marci

Oh ya, this is the BOMB. daily user

Mtf 4 pack
Posted Jun 2nd 2022 by Nathan

Wonderful stuff! Work fast. I will buy the 48 bottle pack next - great savings!

Not bad
Posted Apr 5th 2022 by MR

Been taking the pills for a few months, notice more of a difference then the extract bottles that I started out with. Unfortunately will have to stop the transition do to the fact it’s expensive and notice that because my size I actually have to take more then 1 pill a day. So it does work but for a half of months supply not worth it to be in debt. Well some dreams are meant to come true and others aren’t. So if you have no finical burdens then it’s a must have.

4 Pack
Posted Mar 26th 2022 by Jamie (Jim) Bradley

I've been taking these items for 6 months and there definitely are changes. I'm pleased with how my transition is going so far excited for the next months to come

Horny Sissy!
Posted Mar 18th 2022 by Beth

OMG, this stuff is incredible I want sex constantly, my boobs are so sensitive and all I want to do is get jiggy with it! Best 6 months of my life My energy levels at higher than ever, my hips are silky and full, my skin is soft and warm. I love these 4 products! I use them 4 X daily and have seen and felt great results since the beginning but as I stay on them longer, I feel it more, it shows in my body more and my sex drive is higher than it was when I was a teenager! LOVE YOU ALL!!! XOXOXOX

4pack and breast enhancement
Posted Feb 23rd 2022 by Alfred (aka) Alicia

This stuff is amazing it really does work I’ve been taken these for 6 months now I just started the breast enhancement if I could send pics of me I would I have to start wearing a push up bra already to hold them in place now my hips have gotten wider my waist has slimmed down from 33 to 29 it’s incredible for real

wow! I like that
Posted Jan 13th 2022 by Germ

very effective I combine the 4 pack mtf with the dangerous curves extract and testo blocker extract and 2 part diet am slim and pm slim (total 18 capsules a day) and 2 shot of each extract I have bought I am only in my first week and I noticed changes. Keep up the good work you do I love it Thanks again ;) :P

Worth The Money.
Posted Jan 3rd 2022 by Lydia Allison Kisses

For someone like me that has had to put off MTF reassignment for half a century, this product has become a great compromise having tried other over-the-counter stuff with no or few results. I have don one four-pack in the past loving the changes! with this four-pack MTF, I am taking one pill at a time than in eight the next bottle with the intention of continuing nonstop ordering more before running out! plenty of pills in the bottles 50 in each should put me reordering about every month and a half! Thank YOU! to the ones that have put this product together for us and all of you for getting this out to the ones of us in need! It is my hope and prayer that your company will continue to grow and prosper!

Four Pack Results
Posted Sep 29th 2021 by Diane

I have been taking the 4 pack of MTF pills for about 8 months. I've been taking them three times per day. The results work a bit slow but all of the sudden you realize that you now "need" to wear a bra. My hips and butt have filled to the point I had to buy women's jeans. My male jeans are too loose in the waist and too tight in the hips and thighs. I may have to transition sooner than I had planned. I've had to switch to wearing panties as my regular male shorts just don't fit anymore. Great product. You just have to give it time. Everyone is different and will react differently to the product.

Amazing product
Posted Sep 22nd 2021 by Bryan

I bought the 3 pack to start with and within a week I noticed puffy breast and sensitive nipples. To be honest I’m having a lot more erections! I believe it’s because this is what my body and my mind wants, therefore I’m taking to it very well. When I touch my nipples I’m instantly turned on! Now about a month in, I can feel the weight on my chest and as I walk I feel my boobs bouncing! I love it! This product, this company is amazing. They truly do what they say. I’m now down to only a few pills of each left, so I’m here now ordering the 4 pack system!! LOVE IT!!

Posted Aug 29th 2021 by rachel harris

have 42 ddd breast now. this is helping them fill.in real well and has made them start growing again!

its all work'n like its suppose to.
Posted Aug 23rd 2021 by Dion

holy crap this sfuff is real!!!!!!!! its work'n great and the curves are comin more n more every day!

awesome MTF
Posted Aug 22nd 2021 by April

In a short time been taking the pills I've noticed a difference in the size of my chest and my skin. Love the product and ill keep using it until I reach my goal

Posted Jul 24th 2021 by Dan

Been on a different herbal regimen for a couple years and some prescription so my results are a bit different than some others. Decided to jump on board again and it's amazing. Day 3 and I am already feeling the tingles beneath my breasts. Will stick with this for times to come.

Posted Jul 13th 2021 by Robert Lyda

Working nicely in MTF transition. Wish there was a skin darkening component. Make me a black barbie!

Amazing product
Posted Jun 16th 2021 by Trixie Anes

I loves how they are working my breast are coming on nicely i order the 4 bottles for mtf

The REAL THING!!! Finally!
Posted May 29th 2021 by peedra

Oh yeah, this is the Real Thing - FINALLY! After years of searching, I have finally found you. LIFE CHANGING! Thank you for these wonderful products. I love Tranlabs. Custemer service is incredible! Thank you Chrissy!

Will buy again.
Posted May 18th 2021 by Andy

As advertised. Would recommend.

4 Pack MTF
Posted Apr 25th 2021 by Michael

It's very amazing and well worth the money and works just as advertised. I would definitely recommend this product.

The 4 pack
Posted Apr 25th 2021 by Raven

Little over a week ago I started taking the pills and I have noticed a mood change for the positive and I feel in my chest area a weight and more soft a few friends pointed out they noticed a bit of growth and perkiness. Thank you so much im so happy with this will continue to order in the future

The 4 pack
Posted Apr 25th 2021 by Jon

I haven't seen any changes yet this time around, but will be ordering more.

Posted Apr 13th 2021 by Beth Anna Branch

I been taking all kinds of female hormones over the counter. I love this. Yall make a girls dreams come true... Thanks Beth

Posted Apr 12th 2021 by Davinia

I don't know how the stuff in these pills are doing it but having taken the 3 pack for 50 days and then the 4 pack for another 60 days I have seen some amazing changes albeit slow ones. My lips are fuller and of a more pinkish colour. My breasts are starting to look more rounded though still on the small side(I started with moobs btw). The colour of my privates area has changed to a more pronounced pink colour. My balls have shrunk. I don't get as much morning wood and unwanted erections. My nipples are bigger and more sensitive. Noticed my fat has moved more to my hips and bottom. My hair appears to be stronger.(also taking Finastride daily to prevent MPB) And my voice has changed a little. I only complaint is I wish this stuff was cheaper. I live overseas in the UK so in order to save a little bit of money I try to buy a months worth at a time. Got enough to last until the end of May 22nd so will be reordering around early May. I also wish there were more pills in the bottles. I take them 3 days a time spaced 8 hours apart.

Posted Apr 4th 2021 by Don

Been taking the 4pk for month now seeing breast growth lose of weight. ordered another 4pk.

Posted Mar 15th 2021 by Jamie

Great products

Posted Mar 11th 2021 by Staci

breast buds in 2 months and beginning to lactate! XOXO

Posted Feb 4th 2021 by Michael

Beginning to see and feel the products are working beginning to see changes small but the changes are beginning to show great product definitely will be ordering more thank you Transformation Labs keep up the good work

4 pack mtf
Posted Jan 17th 2021 by Patrick

Great product. Works great

It works
Posted Jan 13th 2021 by Kyle

Started taking these just last month, guess its a little early to give an opinion, but I have noticed an enhancement in my mood and a few other small changes. Will keep with them for a while

mtf transition pack
Posted Jan 7th 2021 by M R

I'm just into my second month of using this product, but I am already starting to notice a small amount of breast growth. Knowing I've been trapped in the wrong body for the last 60 years, I'm finally beginning to look the way I feel.

4-pack MTF
Posted Jan 4th 2021 by Katie Lee

These pills are awesome... It is slow starting but have patience. Take your time and let things happen slowly and gradually and they will... I have been taking these pills for about six months now. No doctor's prescription required... Just started taking HRT on your own and transition MTF!

Posted Dec 22nd 2020 by Tatiana

Like woah! This is my jam. prittier an sexer every day. I be bakc!

9 months on mtf two then 4 pack. Great!
Posted Nov 29th 2020 by Samantha

They work wonderful. Patience is the key here. Breasts 38c waist down to 32 inches 44 butt and lots of mental changes

Thank you.
Posted Oct 16th 2020 by Anonimus


Love this product!! Thank u all at transformation labs! Will stay with u from here for now on. Thanks again.
Posted Oct 7th 2020 by Rachel Dowdell

Will be getting more very soon. You are making my dream come. true, again thank you soooo much!!

Top /shelf.
Posted Oct 2nd 2020 by L.L.

Top Shelf. Will buy again.

Works great
Posted Sep 5th 2020 by Samantha jones

This is my 4th month 2 months on the three pack and 2 months on the 4 pack. And have seen thinner muscle tone. Weight loss, breast growth to 38c thinner waist and rear end starting to grow

Posted Sep 1st 2020 by AC,S L;EROLIS


Rainbows, Glitter, Unicorns & Lollipops!
Posted Aug 27th 2020 by Gwen.

Thank ou Transformations Labs!!!

Posted Aug 21st 2020 by Shipley

I have searched for this oasis for 35 years. I am home. After 6 months, I am living the life I was meant to lead - Thank You, Transformations Labs! I started with the twin pack (which worked well) but when I moved to the 4 pack, my lifetime dream was realized. Every day is new, Every day is beautiful, every day is peaceful. Happyiness.

Don't know yet....
Posted Aug 13th 2020 by Anissa Fisher

Only been on these afew days so too early yet.....I will update in a few weeks!

Posted Aug 5th 2020 by RHdez

It is amazing! My breast are growing and my hips are widening. I love the four pack, I love the feeling of my body changing. Thanks Transformations Labs.

Life Changing!
Posted Aug 4th 2020 by Lissa

I LOVE my new life, thanks to TRANSFORMATIONS LABS!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted Jul 8th 2020 by Dixie Rekt

I picked up a two month supply and have just run out. Already I can see my chest starting to swell and soften. The 4 pack system not only works, it works well and quickly. I have just placed my second order, this time I'm going for the liquid extract 4 pack. I look forward to seeing continued amazing results.

Posted Jul 1st 2020 by Ryan Kotcher

I've been taking for 3 years now and my breast are softer my thighs are so soft my waist is more curvey and tight and my skin color is more colorful my facial features have feminized and even my hair is growing faster and my hair line has become more feminine I love the way it feels thank you so much transformation labs!

All four work great in tandem!
Posted Jun 2nd 2020 by Quarinna

These products work great together. On my second 4 pack and results are showing!

4 pack mtf
Posted May 27th 2020 by Joe Smith

Been using these products for about 4 months. Although the physical effects are so much more apparent except to me the emotional effects are amazing. I highly recommend this product.

4 pack review
Posted May 15th 2020 by Carly Ellen

In have been taking these supplements for about 6 months. I have noticed several good changes. Breasts have grown about 1 full sizem from 42 b before starting, to 42 c now. I comfortably dill out blouses, tee shitrs and dresses. The changes take some time, it isn't overnight. My body hair is noticeable thinner and less course, and grows much slower then before using the shops. Please keep in mind that i am much older, making the transition late inlife, so body changes will not be as dramatic for me as for much younger girls. Internally, I experience feelings with much more ease and intensity. I am surprised to find myself with tears so often. Don't expect miracle changes, but stick with it for awhile and you will see a difference. Carly

Truly Amazing
Posted May 10th 2020 by Stephanie

I continue to see Results, My Breast are getting bigger filling my 42B Bras more and more, My skin is continuing getting softer, My Face is getting more feminine looking without makeup, My goal is for my Face to look Female without Makeup which I hope will happen soon, My body is looking female except for my Face, Need to have patience for this to happen, it's been 11 Months that I have been on these 4 Packs, Maximum dosage

4 pack mtf
Posted May 8th 2020 by Alan vanpelt sr

love it working great starting to see results after 4 months am so excited thank you I will be buying more

Posted May 6th 2020 by Crowley

I've been using these 4 for almost 3 months now and the results are incredible! I see the changes, others see the changes, I feel the changes and I know they are working! Exciting days! Buy with confidence, these pills are THE REAL THING!

4 pack
Posted May 2nd 2020 by Kellie

Exceptional products. Delivery is very prompt. Special Thanks.

Works pretty good so far
Posted Apr 27th 2020 by Brea

I'm taking the 4 pack oil extracts with the diet pills and breast serum and an noticing some hips forming and breasts that are really forming nicely Am curious if the pills work the same, or slower than the oil extracts? Only a week in Not noticing much with the diet pills but I guess they'll take time I'm 6'0 200 pounds

4 pack and Customer service
Posted Apr 21st 2020 by Kellie

Special thanks to Chrissy B for a very prompt answer. If the product responds like Chrissys’ response, will be Great!...Thanks again, will be a repeat customer.

Loving these 4 Pk
Posted Apr 21st 2020 by Stephanie Loranger

Getting closer on becoming a Woman every day, it will be 1 year on June 4, looking forward on living as a woman

Posted Apr 8th 2020 by Stephanie Loranger

I am 48 yrs old, It will be 11 Month using this 4 Pack on April 27, Updating since I last posted on March 26, My body and my Face is continuing looking more Female as time goes by, My Breast are continuing to grow, Getting hard to hide when I'm at work even if I wear loose Shirts, I will have to wear a Bras at work soon, My facial hair is getting thinner with the 4 Pack and the Ketch Beauty Laser Handset, I still don't pass as a Woman but getting there, I'm so looking forward to it, I still get called Sir but I Believe I will be called Ma'am soon

Posted Mar 26th 2020 by Stephanie Loranger

I been using the 4 Pack for 10 Months, My skin is softer, My breast Growth has increase quite a Bit, I now wear a 44B Bras, My butt is rounder, I got curves, Female Hips, My face is starting to look Female, thank you Chrissy and Transformation Labs

4 Pack
Posted Mar 24th 2020 by Jennifer Walker

I started on this course just 6 weeks ago and while the results aren't spectacular as some other posters have claimed I now see slow but steady breast growth, a slightly firmer and rounder butt, and body hair very slowly staring to get finer. Please as an honest reviewer take the claims of changes within a week or two as exaggerated and understand that there in no product that can transform you overnight so to speak unless you are willing to pay $1000's and have surgery. What I can say is that for me progress is slow but steady just as I thought it would be. Yes it would have been faster with Estradiol and Spirolactone but as those proven drugs are prescription only and cost a fortune if you are willing like me to take probably 12-18 months to reach your goal then this 4 pack treatment will get you there. Love and good wishes to all. Jenny.

Love it, it really works.
Posted Mar 14th 2020 by Donna Seenath

It really works. Thank you transformations labs for this great product. I have been using this 4 pack mtf for 2 and half month now and I am a A cup and my hips and looking great. I am seeing a difference in my butt also. Thanks a lot.

Working great
Posted Mar 10th 2020 by Skylar Nicole

This product works great I really love it

Posted Feb 19th 2020 by Yaya.

Glitter & Sparkle!!! Hooray!!! The REAL thing!!!

Posted Feb 5th 2020 by Casey

This product is amazing I’ve always wanted to be a female so I thought I would try a more natural way at first I didn’t think it was working and after a few weeks I’ve noticed changes slow will definitely keep using this product forever. In public i still like to dress as a male but I definitely can start to feel the female side of me and love it. Definitely not a waste of money like I thought it would be

Been loving your products
Posted Jan 23rd 2020 by Victoria Crocker

I just ordered my second supply. My first supply was the 3-pack in my second supply was the 4-pack. We will see how it goes. They have fast shipping ordered my 4-pack on Friday received it Tuesday. Loving my new breasts. I just wish my facial hair would disappear and my voice would change sooner.

Great beginning transitional 4 pack towards the transition
Posted Jan 19th 2020 by Danielle

This week I will start my hormone therapy . After blood testing for Estrogen. My doctor was pleased in what she was seeing after several months of Transformation Lab products and another product a couple months before..

Bu sey Harika
Posted Dec 4th 2019 by Hizir Alp

Tesekkur ederim Chrissy. 1 haftadir kullaniyorum ve degisimi farketmeye basladim. Kalca ve bacaklarda azda olsa degisim gorebiliyorum. Yakin bir zamanda 1 yillik alacagim, cok memnun kaldim. Kendimi pozitif yonde hissediyorum. 6 ay sonra cok guzel olacagima eminim, tesekkur ederim :)

Posted Sep 22nd 2019 by Sabrina

Absolutely incredible! This stuff is THE REAL THING! I have been using it for almost 4 months now and the postive changes are daily! Everything from hips and breasts to mental acquity, thought & voice patterns & sex drive. It really is the genuine artical! Transformations Labs is LIFE CHANGING! I love my new life - thank you Chrissy! Thank you Trans Labs! Their is nothing else as good as this on the market - if you are ready for a life change, look no further! Absolutely amazing stuff!!!

Posted Sep 14th 2019 by Danielle

Good stuff since I have been using your produce I have relax and calm. Been sleeping better, Somehow the food taste better. I can feel some changes within my body.

Posted Aug 28th 2019 by Elizabeth AJ

Good Stuff! I Feel So Confident & I Have Better Meditations & Progress Too! I'm grateful for them! Love Your Product! Thanks Transformation Labs for helping me on my journey! You Guys Are The Best! Blessed Be!

This stuff REALLY works!
Posted Aug 27th 2019 by Vespa

6 month client! Absolutely life changing results! The best company, the best supplement, the best life I could possibley ask for! Thank you Transformations Labs - You have made my life complete! XOXO

All four work great in tandem!
Posted Aug 12th 2019 by Quarinna

Although the extracts are more potent these have helped my mood and allowed my breasts to grow and hips get wider. Great products and I do recommend all of them. From the capsule form to the liquid extracts.

The 4 Pack is Great!
Posted Aug 2nd 2019 by Squints

Effective! Best products on the market! Loving the growth/transition!

Posted Jul 18th 2019 by Darcie

I started the 4 pack and have already noticed changes in my body. A little more curve and breasts getting a little larger. Also has a calming effect for me plus no jitters. Had a bad experience with another brand. Love these supplements and plan on taking them until I reach my desired goal. I definitely recommend these supplements to anyone that is planning to transition the non medical way.

M2F oils+ capsules
Posted Jun 17th 2019 by hayden c

Amazing products and been a loyal customer for three years Just wish they came in bigger bottles (oils) but bye far the best non medical (safe) way to transform. Sent to Australia no problems & I cant get enough of the products and if you buy enough they sometimes pack a small gift (an extra) for their most loyal customers (I think im due for a freebie soon lol)

Works pretty well
Posted Apr 14th 2019 by izabel Plato

I just changed from another brand, 3 months now and added v351 things are changing.. Breasts are growing and I'm feeling feminine now

4 pack
Posted Mar 30th 2019 by Randy Thornton

I'm on my 3rd four pack and I'm a lot calmer skin is softer and smoother less hair growth. And some breast growth already. I'm liking the way I look and feel.

I need the estrogn.
Posted Mar 23rd 2019 by Layla

My breasts will not stop growing! I am not interested in my boobs getting any bigger but I want to keep taking them without my breasts grwoing out of proportion. I have been usinng them for 6 months and I need the estrogen but please make somehiting to stop my breasts from conitinuing to grow!

4 pack
Posted Mar 21st 2019 by Maddie

Great product , it works . I would highly recommend the products and have . Keep up the good work folks . Thank you

Amazing product
Posted Mar 13th 2019 by Lane Cathey

Its works amazing just the process is slow but I cant wait to see more results the more I use it.

4 Pak
Posted Dec 20th 2018 by Katie

Thank you transformation labs....before....miserable....after.....feel like a normal person.....

Works Awesome
Posted Oct 8th 2018 by Amanda

this combination has worked better than any other combination of supplements I have found yet. In the short month + I have been using it, already noticed a good size increase in breast size, and better curves.

Starting to notice
Posted Sep 29th 2018 by kyle thibault

Been taking these pills for 3 months now and finally starting to notice some small changes. Some mood swings and some breast growth! Can't wait to see how much further I can progress

Posted Sep 9th 2018 by Carrie

I love the 4 pack! I have only been using this product for a few months and I have noticed a few changes so far but I can’t wait to see what more changes I see in the future. I would definitely recommend this product to anyone seeking to transition.

Getting Great Results
Posted Aug 30th 2018 by Doni

I started taking HRT Pills Dec 2017 I started with a different brand of pills until May when I found out about Transformation Labs. I started out 2 months with the 3 pack MTF Pills. Started to see results, with less body hair, Softer Skin, Different Emotions, and chest development. I have even seen a little facial differences. I now have been on the 4 pack for 2 months now and am seeing gradual changes every week. Cant wait to see how I progress along. I love these pills. I take 3 pills a day with lots of water. Thank You Transformation Labs.

Posted Aug 15th 2018 by Manda

I am a woman with really high testosterone levels. I spent a fortune on prescriptions from my endocrinologist. These pills work so much better than the medicine I was taking, at a fraction of the cost. I actually feel “normal” again. No more sluggishness and aggression. Thank you for this product!

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4 Pack MTF System - Estro Boost, Testo Blocker, Dangerous Curves & V-351
Estrogen Booster, Testosterone Blocker, Dangerous Curves & V-351